Sunday, September 25, 2005

Paul Van Dyk concert

Went to a Paul Van Dyk concert in Scottsdale, AZ (Phoenix Metro) on Sep 24 for Roberto's b-day. It was the best fun I had for a while. For those of you who don't know Paul Van Dyk, he is a Trance/Electronica DJ from Germany - check out or sample his music from official website. We stayed in a hotel close to the venue so we could walk home. We bounced from 9pm-2am (actually PVD didn't start till midnight, but he also didn't stop until 2:30am). My legs were so sore... it was the best workout ever :P

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Much of nothing

Gosh, time really flies even when I don't have much to do... Since I got back from Japan/Taiwan, I haven't been motivated to do much. Instead of doing all the things I wanted to do when I don't have the time, I spend too much time playing a new addicting on-line game call Guild Wars. Its too much fun! Oh well, at least I have been doing some (more) triathlon training.

--Copyleft Henry--