Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

I went to see the movie "Hotel Rwanda" after my International Management class last night. What a timing... we had just covered issues in Africa that night. It was an eye opening experience to see how little the international society did AND how people in Africa have developed mistrust of the West. There are still talks that it was for "National Security" and "Strategic" reasons that the West did not act. Here is a BBC page that highlights many sides of the issue:

If you are interested to see the movie Hotel Rwanda, I definitely recommend it:

1 Comments: Thanks for your comment.

I often wonder how can fellow human beings do such a thing... but it's not surprising given our violent history. However, I do not believe we are inheritly evil species; we are just a specie with a lot of capabilities: both evil and good. Hopefully, more of us will choose to further evolve our humanity.

In short, while I am sadden by such violent events, I am optimistic that good will eventually prevail.
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