Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Almost done and SUPER SIZE ME!

YEAH!! I am pretty much done with the hardest class this semester... just a few more small things to turn in and a final to take for it. Now I can focus all of my efforts into my Masters project, which isn't going anywhere because I have been focusing on other assignments. This is the problem with work without intermediate deadlines: it doesn't get worked on, not because I am lazy but because there are always more pressing needs elsewhere. Fortunately (or unfortunately) that's no more. All my efforts will be on the Master's project.


I rented and watched the movie "Super size me" today. It's a documentary of this guy who decided to test out what would happen if he goes on a diet of only McDonald's food 3x a day for 30 days. It's amazing what happened to him... he gained a ton of weight and the blood test indicators all shot through the roof as if he started binge drinking. You have to see this; it will change your view of the fast food industry and make you reconsider what you eat.


I will be turning 30 this weekend! Wow, 3 decades. My "house" will be hosting a big party on Friday for me and one of my roommate's friend. So, if you happen to be in Tucson, come on by!

1 Comments: Happy 30th B-day~ Mr.old man haha j/k!! ;P

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