Friday, November 25, 2005

Green house gas... is this definitive enough?

CAUTION: a political rant, read at your own risk...

Here is a new article supporting un-natural CO2 level and rapidly rising global temperature: Study: More CO2 Now Than Past 650K Years. According to the article,
... measurements are disturbing: Levels of carbon dioxide have climbed from 280 parts per million two centuries ago to 380 ppm today. Earth's average temperature, meanwhile, increased about 1 degree Fahrenheit in recent decades, a relatively rapid rise...
This is scary stuff. The result is rapid de-icing of the North and South poles, rising ocean water level, thus causing floods and other disasters. In addition, rising water temperatures would mean more and stronger hurricane/typhoon/cyclones. The disaster possibilities are endless.

The Bush Administration cited that global warming is a naturally occuring process, so there is no direct evidence that human activities worsened the conditions. However, these new findings directly refute the administration's claims. How much more evidence does the administration need to admit that CO2 emissions are the cause of the rapidly rising global warming?

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