Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year (of the Pig - on Feb 18)!
Here is a short recap of what happened: 2006 was a busy year for me. I traveled a lot and moved back to the Los Angeles region (Orange county, CA to be exact) from Tucson in July. I am very grateful to my god-sister Anne and her husband Helman for letting me live in their guest room for the past 6 months. However, I moved out 2 weekends ago to a share a home in Long Beach, CA - about 2.5 miles from work. Since my significant other, Pei, is in Tucson working on her PhD at U of Arizona, I often fly to Tucson to visit her. When she visits me in LA, we traveled to San Diego and Santa Barbara to mix things up a bit, but you knew most of this already because you have been keeping up with my posts right?